PAW, THE•WOLF•PUP (LOBO), Brainlet, Troll and Smog have made their place in the Supremacy Memecoin Listing of 2024. These cryptocurrencies have attracted the attention of investors due to their market cap, trading volume and price movement. These Memecoins are known for their volatility and have recently been performing well from their all-time high and low prices, Supremacy Memecoin Listing These Memecoins have made an important place in the cryptomarket with their performance. Let us know them in detail.
Supremacy Memecoin Listing 2024
Brainlet (BRAINLET)
Troll (TROLL)
Smog (SMOG)
Supremacy Memecoin Listing 2024 The current price of PAW (PAW) is $0.00000002588, which represents an increase of 44.05% over the last 24 hours. Its total market cap is $24.52M and the 24-hour trading volume was $1.05M. PAW recorded its all-time high of $0.0000001007 on March 3, 2023, but is now down 74.32% from this level. However, on June 29, 2024, it made an all-time low of $0.00000000008584, due to which it is now trading at a higher price of 2910.8%.
THE•WOLF•PUP (LOBO), one of the Supremacy 5 Memecoins, currently has a price of $0.001306, up by 12.23% in 24 hours. This cryptocurrency has a market cap of $21.44M and a 24-hour trading volume of $1.12M. LOBO recorded an all-time high of $0.00406 on June 5, 2024, but is now down 68.14% from this highest level. At the same time, after reaching its lowest level of $0.0004231 on August 5, 2024, it is now trading at a price 205.75% higher than this.
Brainlet (BRAINLET)
The current price of Brainlet (BRAINLET), one of the Supremacy Memecoins of 2024, is $0.02074, which represents a decline of 9.32% in 24 hours. Its market cap is $19.76M and the 24-hour trading volume was recorded at $3.23M. BRAINLET achieved an all-time high of $0.05365 on Nov 14, 2024, but it is now 61.33% below that level. At the same time, after reaching an all-time low of $0.003478 on August 5, 2024, it is now trading at an increase of 496.39%.
Troll (TROLL)
The current price of Troll (TROLL), one of the Supremacy Memecoins, is $0.00000001761, down 6.51% over the last 24 hours. Its total market cap is $16.81M and 24-hour trading volume is $2.58M. TROLL made an all-time high of $0.0000001089 on March 2, 2024, but is now down 83.82% from that highest price. Similarly, after reaching its lowest level of $0.000000007804 on August 5, 2024, it is now trading at a higher price of 125.67%.
Smog (SMOG)
The current price of Smog (SMOG), included in the Best possible Memecoins of 2024, is $0.02104, with a slight increase of 0.55% in 24 hours. Its market cap is $16.38M, while the 24-hour trading volume is $18.11K. SMOG recorded an all-time high of $0.384 on March 8, 2024, but it is now 94.52% below that level. Similarly, after reaching the all-time low of $0.01889 on August 5, 2024, it is now trading at a price 11.39% higher than that.
In 2024, Memecoins have created their own identity in the crypto market. Supremacy Memecoins Listing included PAW, THE•WOLF•PUP (LOBO), Brainlet (BRAINLET), Troll (TROLL) and Smog (SMOG) are attracting the attention of investors with their performance. These coins remain in the news due to their volatility, all-time high-low price and large trading volume. For example, PAW has surged by 2910.8% and BRAINLET has surged by 496.39%, while LOBO and TROLL have also made strong recoveries.