Scientists say no longer simply one asteroid wiped out dinosaus there used to be every other one

Scientists say no longer simply one asteroid wiped out dinosaus there used to be every other one

Dinosaurs are called giant creatures wandering on earth, based on the fossil, researchers have also prepared many theories about them. It is said that 6.6 million years ago dinosaurs became extinct from the earth, and the reason was the heavy asteroid falling from space to Earth. But now a new study says that it did not have only arsteroid hand in it.

A new study has been published in a journal called Nature. In this, the detailed scan scan of underwater cakes has been extracted by scientists. According to the report, they have been claimed that at that time, another esteoid hit the earth. Which played an equally big role in creating such situations on Earth and which was the same participant in the extinction of dinosaurs.

Scientists have measured Nadir Crater. It is 8 kilometers wide. It has been claimed that this crater is made by a 400 meter wide asteroid. This asteroid collided with a speed of 72 thousand kilometers per hour from the earth. However, it has been said that earlier this size was somewhat less than Esteroid. But it was still such a powerful explosion that it had left a big mark on the earth.

Researchers have used 3-d seismic imaging. This crater is 300 meters below Sea Flooring. That is, its marks are buried under the sand layer. Its geological characteristics are detected by seismic imaging. Dr. Nicolson, who is associated with the study, says that there are about 20 such marine craters around the world. But this is the first to have such a detail study.

The study concludes that its effect caused intense tremors to turn into a sedimentary liquid below the sea level. This caused landslides, causing damage to thousands of square miles beyond the edge of the crater, which still exists. Also, a huge tsunami arose from this collision with a height of more than 800 meters and it would have reached the Atlantic Ocean. However, researchers have not yet been able to say about the timing of this asteroid. It has been reported to be 6.5 to 6.7 million years ago. But it is certain that the abolition of dinosaurs included more than one asteroid.

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