Mount Everest Top Stock to Extended Security of Historic River Arun Pristine Learn about Unearths

Mount Everest Top Stock to Extended Security of Historic River Arun Pristine Learn about Unearths

The height of Mount Everest, the highest hill peak on Earth, is still increasing. It is part of a process that began 89000 years ago, stating a large role of a river. The erosion by the river is affecting the height of Mount Everest. University College London has recently done a study. Researchers say that a river flows about 75 km from Mount Everest. It is Arun River and is constantly cutting stones, soil from around Mount Everest. Due to which the height of Mount Everest is continuously increasing.

Researchers say a surprising process is going on here. In fact, when the river removes rocks and soil from here, the top layer of the earth called crust, pushes upwards, which is increasing the height of the mountain. According to the report, it is called isostatic rebound. Due to this process, the peaks around Mount Everest and its surroundings are continuously increasing.

The co-article of the study, Adam Smith explains this process in such a way that it is the same as the burden of cargo from a water ship. As soon as the burden is reduced, the ship starts swimming with more lightness. That is, he starts swimming more above water. Similarly, when the top layer of the earth becomes light, it also starts to rise upwards. Smith says that the height of Mount Everest is increasing by 2mm every year due to the erosion done by the Arun River.

Over time, this process has increased the height of this mountain by about 50 meters. The height of Mount Everest above sea level is currently 8,848 meters. However, the cause of the rise of Mount Everest is believed to be a collision of tectonic plates. It is said that this mountain has been born due to the collision of Indian and Eurasian plates. The incident took place about 5 crore years ago. But now the erosion of the river is giving shape to this area. Arun River takes the material from the upper surface of the Earth to shed the material so that the two layers, crusts and mantles below it have to adjust accordingly and the height of the mountain is continuously increasing.

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