Every important information related to investing in Crypto Presale

Every important information related to investing in Crypto Presale

Various, running till the end of 2024 Crypto Presale Has created a stir among investors. Projects like Child Daffy, BLOCKBOOST, Undercover Layer, Carlos, and TOPSY are emerging rapidly and each has its own Fundraising Goal and Token Value. Investing in these presales can be a golden opportunity, which can give profits in future.

Earn More Profit from Crypto Presale

Child Daffy Presale

Child Daffy ($DAFFY) presale has started from October 12, which will run till December 24, 2024. The total token supply for this presale is 18,446,744,073,000, of which 5,534,023,221,900 tokens are available for presale. Its Fundraising Goal is 2,379,629,985,417. Token Value is 0.43 Solana. This is a great opportunity for investors, as this new Crypto Undertaking claims to grow rapidly. Child Daffy has launched this presale to connect its strong community.


BLOCKBOOST ($BBT) presale has started from November 3, which will run till December 24, 2024. The total token supply for this presale is 10,000,000,000, of which 3,000,000,000 are available for the presale. Its Fundraising Goal is 3,000,000 Ethereum. Token Value is set at 0.001 Ethereum. BLOCKBOOST has a strong user base with its rapidly growing technology. This presale could be an attractive option for investors as it has the potential for widespread adoption.

Undercover Layer Presale

Undercover Layer ($CLONE) presale has started from November 24, which will run till December 24, 2024. The total token supply is one million,000, of which 300,000,000 are available for presale. The Fundraising Goal of the Presale is $4,800,000 and the Token Value is set at 0.016 USDT. Undercover Layer is a Web3 protocol that focuses on privacy and security and is being custom designed using Blockchain. Long term profits are expected for its investors.

Carlos ($LOS) Presale

Carlos ($LOS) Presale has started from 24th July 2024, which will run till 24th December 2024. It has a total token supply of 100,000,000,000, of which 90,000,000,000 are available for presale. The Fundraising Goal of the Presale is $479,700, and the Token Value is set at 0.00000533 Ethereum. Carlos is a new project for crypto investors that has become a topic of discussion for its excellent roadmap and objectives. This presale can be a good opportunity for investors.

TOPSY ($TPSY) Presale

TOPSY ($TPSY) Presales has started from November 21, which will run till December 21, 2024. There are a total of 10,000,000,000 tokens, out of which 3,000,000,000 are available for presale. The Fundraising Goal of the Presale is 9,000,000,000 BNB and the Token Value is set at 3 BNB. TOPSY promises new possibilities in the world of Blockchain. Through this presale, an effort has been made to attract crypto investors with the aim of strengthening this project.


New launches like Child Daffy, BLOCKBOOST, Undercover Layer, Carlos and TOPSY through Crypto Presales Crypto Tasks Attracting investors. Investing in these projects can be fraught with risk, but their development and potential market growth make this opportunity exciting for investors.

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