Why did elon musk say I will be able to die prior to people proceed to mars know right here

Why did elon musk say I will be able to die prior to people proceed to mars know right here

Elon Musk is included in the world’s industrialist who are busy in searching the area of ​​space. In 2002, he created his space company Spacex. It has launched hundreds of space missions. Spacex’s satellite internet company Starlink is providing satellite internet service worldwide. Now Alan Mask wants to fly the world’s heaviest rocket. A rocket named Starship has undergone several tests. It is expected that in future, humans will be taken to the moon and Mars with this rocket. However, his statement in the year 2020 is again in discussion.

According to Live Science report, a new book ‘SpaceX: Alan Musk and the Final Frontier’
(“Spacex: Elon Musk and the Final Frontier” Science Journalist Brad Burgan has introduced Musk’s approach. The book described in the book how Mask has made a business that has become important for space agencies like NASA.

The book also talks about huge costs related to space travel. According to the report, at a conference at Washington DC in 2020, Allen Musk said that if we do not improve our progress, I will definitely die before going to Mars. Apparently Masak spoke on space, especially the delay in human missions on Mars.

According to the report, it is expected to reach a person on Mars in the coming decades. However, it is difficult to settle human settlements there as people will have to strengthen it as a person and physically for long journeys.

Mars wants a cheap journey of Mars

Alan Masak has said that he wants to bring a person to the least cost on Mars. Its cost can be less than $ 5 million. Perhaps humans reach Mars for less than 1 million dollars. However, Masak gave these figures in 2019, which will increase according to the price.

Talking about the building setup on Mars, in 2017, Musk estimated that the cost of carrying the material on Mars will be 1 lakh 40 thousand dollars per ton. He underestimated the budget of the entire setup at $ 100 billion. Mask has estimated 2050 to settle human settlements on Mars.

Obviously, it can move further. Perhaps this is the reason why Masak said, if we do not improve our progress, then I will definitely die before going to Mars.


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