Announcing a brand new feature in its blog post, WhatsApp said that soon users will be able to add or manage contacts on WhatsApp Internet and Home windows or other linked devices. As we mentioned, till now users were able to add contacts from their mobile devices only. They had to add the phone number to the primary device either by typing the phone number or by scanning the QR code, but this task is soon going to be easier.
It is also reported that the platform is also introducing a new option to save a contact only on WhatsApp. This means that users will not need to save that person’s phone number on the device to chat with a contact, instead the phone number can be saved directly on WhatsApp. The platform says this feature is ideal if the user is sharing his phone with others or if he wants to separate personal and business contacts while managing multiple WhatsApp accounts on his phone.
“If you ever lose your phone or change devices, contacts you save on WhatsApp can be restored,” WhatsApp wrote in its blog post.
It is further told that after this update it will be possible to manage and save contacts on the basis of username. This “Usernames” option on WhatsApp will bring an extra layer of privacy, so that users do not need to share their phone number while sending messages to someone.
WhatsApp has indicated that this is just a start in this direction and the platform will share many more features until this feature is ready.