Telegram has changed its terms of service to prevent criminals from misusing this app. Telegram CEO, Pavel Durov has given this information. Earlier, Telegram has been ignoring requests from governments of some countries to provide information about suspected criminals. However, efforts are made to prevent wrong content on this app through the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and a team of moderators. Durov said that as part of efforts to prevent abuse, Telegram has started hiding inappropriate content from its search results.
Durov was arrested in France last month. He was accused of being responsible for the glitches in this messaging app. In this matter, Russia had warned France that Durov should be given his rights. Durov was arrested shortly after arriving at Le Bourget airport near Paris on a private jet from Azerbaijan. Elon Musk, owner of social media platform
Due to the arrest warrant against Durov in France, the police arrested him. In this case, Telegram had said in a statement, “Telegram follows the laws in the European Union (EU), including the Digital Services Act. Durov has nothing to hide and he frequently travels in Europe. Making this claim It is absurd that a platform or its owner has responsibility for the misuse of that platform.” According to Forbes estimates, Durov has a net worth of more than $15 billion. He had said in April that the governments of some countries were putting pressure on them.
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APP, Era, Call for, Knowledge, Marketplace, Elon Musk, Telegram, Executive, Social Media, Pavel Durov, France, Twitter, Criminals, Web