Stored Messages 2.0
Telegram’s sev messages that were previously used for notes and forward messages have now been upgraded. These now work as a storage system for links, media and bookmarks. Users can manage the messages saved from chat, use tags for better categories and reach them through the new ‘Saved’ tab in shared media.
View Save Message by Chat
A new ‘View S Chat’ allows users to look at a list of private chats, groups and channels with which messages have been forwarded. This feature provides easy access and users can pin the favorite chat on top.
Tags for save message
To improve the organization, several tags based on emojis can be added to the sev message. Premium users can use tags, making it easier to filter and search the specific message.
Save message in shared media
The chat, group and channel now have a ‘saved’ tab in the shared media section, making it easier to reach forward messages from a special chat.
Upgrade search
All chats have improved search functionality, making it easy to navigate the search result and see them as a contact list.
One time voice and video message
View-forest settings are now available for voice and video messages, which allows them to run just once before the automatic play.
Pose and resume recording
Users can now stop recording and resume recording of voice or video messages, which will eliminate the need to send many messages.
Read time in private chat
In 1-on-1 chat, users can now see the time when their messages were opened. In the reading time, there are privacy settings depending on the last viewed situation and appears for 7 days before delete.
One-way last scene and read time
Telegram premium users can hide their last scene and read time while other users can see. This feature is customizable and provides more privacy control.
Private message permission
Premium users ‘Evevan’ U ‘My’ My Contact and Premium User can choose from who can send them the message. This feature prohibits the chat of users who are not included in the contact list or not a premium member, unless the premium user starts a chat.
Faster Loding Time and High Quality Stories
Video stories now loaded 4 times faster and premium users can see them in high quality. All users can control playback speed in video stories.
New design for shared contact
Sherd contact messages now look better, which reflect the selected color and emoji icon in the settings.
Better video message on iOS
Video message recording on iOS has been improved for clear quality, quick camera switching and low camera shake.
App icon on macos
Telegram for MACOS now allows users to select 15 icons to customize the presence of their apps in the dock. This can be done in Settings> Appears> App icon.