Pi coin checklist on coindcx, not yet listing

Pi coin checklist on coindcx, not yet listing

Pi Community Viewable Mainnet has been launched on 20 February 2025 on all major acts. Which includes Okx, Bitget, Gate.IO and HTX. Pi Coin has shown its best performance after the listing and managed to reach $ 2.98. Currently it is trading around $ 2. Due to which investors of this token are very happy. However, Indian investors are still waiting for the listing on an Indian exchange of Pi Coin. Where a few days ago this news was becoming viral in the market that Pi Coin Checklist on Coindcx has been done. But Crypto Change Coindcx’s official website Pi Coin is not visible.

However, Coindcx also never made an official announcement about the listing of Pi Coin. But before the launch of Pi Community Viewable Mainnet on 20 February, Coindcx gave a hint for Pi Coin Checklist, after which people started believing that soon Pi coin checklist on coindcx Is going to happen.

Coindcx gave hint

India’s most popular Crypto Change Coindcx had a tweet that wrote: “3.14159… The Numbers don’t lie. Something huge is coming soon on coindcx! Can you crack the code? ” People were looking at the 3.14159 code given in this tweet with PI (π), as it is a symbol of PI community. But seeing the time of the tweet, people admitted that Coindcx may soon list Pi Coin.

Pi coin checklist is done on these crypto exchanges

Pi Coin Checklist took place on 20 February today at 8 AM UTC (Indian time 01:30 PM) on all exchanges. Where Pi Coin Checklist on Okx, Bitget, Gate.io and HTX has also been done. However, the matter is still stuck about Pi Coin Checklist on Binance. Where Binance has also voted on its platform for the listing of Pi Coin, in which 86% of users appeared in favor of this listing.

But till now Binance has not made any official announcement regarding Pi Coin Checklist. Angered by this on Google Play Games Gather and Apple App Gather Supporters of Pi Community dropped Binance’s rating 1 star Is. Currently there are also many rumors about Pi Coin Checklist on Indian Exchanges, which can also be announced soon. In which the highest expectation is about Coindcx.


The launch of Pi Community’s Viewable Mainnet on 20 February 2025 and the listing on the major exchanges of Pi Coin has created an atmosphere of enthusiasm among investors. Although Indian investors are still awaiting listing on Indian exchanges of Pi Coin, especially the listing of Coindcx is high. Given the signals given by Coindcx and the performance of the Pi Coin, it is expected that soon Indian exchanges may also have a Pi coin list. At the same time, there is still uncertainty on the listing of Binance.


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