According to the report, NASA wants to bring humans to the moon again this decade and will target Mars in the next decade. NASA will also complete the preparations related to Mars by sending humans on the moon. There is a plan to select Astronaut there to explore the possibilities of life on Mars and to do many other experiments.
According to the report, Mars was also built about 4.6 billion years ago, when all the rest of the solar system became. Initially, Mars was largely like earth. There were oceans on its land. There were lakes and rivers. Things changed over time and Mars became deserted.
At present, there is not such an atmosphere on Mars, where humans can live alive. However, there may be water accumulated here. Scientists have also gathered a lot of information about the surface of Mars. Despite this, many features will be known only when the scientists reach there.
The geographical structure of Mars varies in its northern and southern hemisphere. About one third of the surface of Mars is at a height of 2 to 4 miles. There are also some pits. There are some very large volcanoes on Mars. Scientists also want to check them.