In humans, nose plays an important role in indicating their health. What is the nose looking, what excitement is there, they can all indicate about any disease that is growing within the body. The persistent obstruction in the nose, experience of strange smell, or change in size shows that there is a problem. According to Sciencealert, the nose muzzle, that is, can be detected about health by examining the surfaced part.
According to Dan Bomguard, the Sinier Lecturer of the School of Physiology, Pharmacology and Neuroscience at the University of Bristol, there are many signs that you should not ignore. Let us know which these signs are.
Zits (acne)
Pacifying on the nose is a sign. The most simple ad melgaris is vulgaris that can cause blackheads, whiteheads on the nose. It can be full of pas. A skin disease named Rosacea can cause red rashes on the cheeks and nose, or blood vessels also appear to appear in it. A rhinophyma may also occur in a more severe condition.
Wolf’s nostril (Wolf noj)
Wolf’s nostril may contain sarcoidosis which has an inflammatory condition. It can cause blue or purple rashes on cold parts of the body like nose etc.
Trigeminal trophic syndrome
Trichiminal trophic syndrome is a rare condition that arises when the trigeminal nerve damages. Due to damage to the nerves around the nostris, this part can be numb or can cause prick. This causes the skin to peel here and again and can become a wound. Therefore, the signals shown on the nose should be paid attention.