According to a TOI report, Rani was initially added to a WhatsApp group, where she was told big profits stories. Meanwhile, a woman named Aarti Singh said that Hari Singh, the mentor of the group, has bought Amazon gift vouchers to help a needy. When the queen redeemed one of these rupees a voucher of Rs 1,000, her account actually got money.
Due to this reward, the queen’s trust was allegedly strengthened, after which the scammers said that if she would invest money in stock trading, it will get three to five times a month. The first Rs 50,000 was asked to invest, after which he was shown increasing their investment figure on an app.
The queen further told the police that when the initial investment showed profits, the queen borrowed millions of rupees in this scheme by borrowing from her husband, mother -in -law and relatives. But when he tried to borrow more money from an acquaintance, he felt cheated. As soon as he asked for his money back, the gang stopped contacting him.
The report states that according to Preeti Yadav, Deputy Commissioner of Cybercrime Police, Rs 4.80 lakh has been freezed so far and investigation is going on for recovery of the remaining amount.