Crypto Global is offering great opportunities to investors in Pristine Initiatives and Token Presale. These opportunities include companies like COREx, FOMO FROG, LEMON ON SOL, Apraemio and PandaBu. Crypto Presale Are available in. Know here about their price, total supply and fundraising target, which can provide profit opportunities to investors.
Crypto Presale, now you have a big investment opportunity
COREx Presale
Apraemio Presale
PandaBu Presale
COREx Presale
COREx Presale will start from December 23, which will run till December 25, 2024. The total supply of this Token is 1,001,000,000 Tokens, out of which 16,520,000 Tokens are available for presale. Its fundraising target is 165,200 USDT and presale worth is kept at 0.01 USDT per Token. For this presale, investors will get the opportunity to buy tokens at a lower price, which can be profitable in the future. This presale is much discussed in Crypto Public.
FOMO FROG Presale has started from 30th August 2024, which will run till 25th December 2024. Its total supply is 3,000,000,000 Tokens, out of which 576,160,000 Tokens are available for presale. The fundraising target has been set at 69,139,200 USDT. Presale Worth is 0.12 USDT per Token. This Token Presale may increase rapidly, because it is in demand. Investors hope that this token will give good returns in the long term.
LEMON ON SOL Presale has started from 25th November 2024, which will run till 25th December 2024. The total supply is 10,000,000,000 Tokens, of which 5,000,000,000 Tokens are available for presale. Presale Worth is 0.01 Solana per Token and its fundraising target is 50,000,000 USDT. Investors will get a good opportunity in this presale, especially for those who want to invest in Crypto Token based on Solana Community.
Apraemio Presale
Apramio Presale has started from 11th December, which will run till 25th December 2024. It has a total supply of one million,000 Tokens, out of which 400,000,000 Tokens are available for presale. The fundraising target has been set at 400,000 USDT. Presale worth is 0.001 USDT per token, making it an attractive option for small investors. Apramio is a new and potential crypto project that investors can invest in as soon as possible.
PandaBu Presale
PandaBu Presale has started from December 12, which will run till December 25, 2024. The total supply is 1,848,281,728 Tokens, out of which 144,400,000 Tokens are available for presale. The fundraising target is 14,440,000 USDT and the presale worth is 0.1 Solana per Token. This presale provides a good opportunity for Solana holders, who are already curious to buy this token. PandaBu is considered to be an exciting and profitable project.
All these presales provide great opportunities for crypto investors. small and big investors in Crypto Initiatives Can be a part of. Presale value and future return prospects make these tokens an attractive investment option. Soon a big change may be seen in their growth.
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