What’s Proba-3 Project
Proba-3 is the world’s first precision flight mission. It will study the corona, the outermost and hottest layer of the Sun’s atmosphere. This will be the first time that the Sun can be seen so closely. New discoveries about the Sun can be made through this mission. What is happening on the surface of the Sun can be observed very closely. Along with this, the origin of solar storms and their movement will also be known better.
What’s PSLV-C59 Automobile
PSLV is a launch vehicle, whose job is to deliver satellites and other payloads into space. Its first successful flight took place in the year 1994. The current PSLV-C59 can lift a total capacity of 320 tonnes. Today it will fly with satellites weighing about 550 kg, which will be the 61st flight of PSLV and the 26th flight with the PSLV-XL configuration, which includes a set of satellites to carry them.
Two spacecraft will fly
According to reports, this mission consists of two spacecraft. Their names are Coronagraph Spacecraft (CSC) and Occulter Spacecraft (OSC). These will be launched in ‘stacked configuration’ (one above the other).
attend to PSLV-C59/PROBA-3 Project Are living
You will be able to watch ISRO’s mission being launched today live online on your mobile-laptop, TV, sitting at home or from anywhere. By clicking on this link the mission can be watched live on YouTube.
PSLV’s PSLV-C58 launch vehicle last carried the XPOSAT satellite into space. This launch took place on January 1 this year.