But the problem starts from here, sometimes the network becomes slow or the network is not available in many parts of the house. But due to lack of necessary information about the router, you cannot do much.
Apart from this, people also avoid buying routers by themselves. Because they don’t know much about it. Or the language of the information available is very technical, reading it is like listening to a science lecture.
Some people can put up with a slow network but most people hope for the best. They want to use internet on multiple systems as per their convenience, along with fast internet speed and network in every room of the house, in such a situation it becomes very important to know all this about the router.
with and without internet
Wi-Fi routers are primarily used to share an Internet connection, but this is not its only feature. Even if you do not have an active internet connection, you can connect your smartphones, tablets, TV and computer through it.
Most users need a router to use the Internet on multiple devices. Your internet connection will be either cable or ADSL. In case you have a cable connection, you should ask your internet provider about how your connection is. Typically you won’t need any other devices other than a router. However, if you have a DSL connection and are service providers from companies like BSNL, MTNL and Airtel, then you will also need an ADSL modem along with the router. In such a situation, it would be better to buy a router with built in ADSL modem. Although the price of these routers is a bit high, it is a necessity.
Although there are many types of routers available in the market with different features, but keep these things in mind before buying it.
Router’s Wi-Fi standard (802.11 a/b/g/n/ac)
First of all, you need to see which Wi-Fi standard the router supports. Older models support 802.11 ‘b’ or ‘g’ while newer routers also support ‘n’. On the 802.11n standard you can transfer data at speeds up to 600Mbps (mega bits in keeping with 2nd), although some 802.11n routers have a top speed of 300Mbps (this means a download speed of 37.5MBps or mega bytes in keeping with 2nd).
802.11ac is the latest standard. On this you get transfer speed of 1.3Gbps. However, very few mobile phones and laptops currently support 802.11ac. Apart from this, this technology is much more expensive than 802.11n. For now, you can rely on routers with ‘n’ standards. It is fast enough for India’s internet connection and is supported on all devices. And also saving money.
Router’s wireless frequency (2.4GHz or 5GHz)
The frequency of the router determines how powerful your network is. The two main standards for routers are 2.4GHz and 5GHz. The main difference between the two is obstruction and range. Compared to 2.5 GHz standard router, 5GHz standard router provides better network, but it also costs more. If network interference is not a major issue then you should buy a 2.5GHz router only.
router speed
The speed of any router also depends on the hardware used in that model. However, in every device the speed is mentioned in the “High Speed Upto” section. Routers which are slow will also cost less. If the need is only to connect to the Internet, then buy a cheap router. If you are fond of watching high definition videos on a laptop or streaming it on your smart TV, then a 300 Mbps router will do the trick.
Router antenna range
There is no direct way to know the range of a Wi-Fi router as it depends on the circumstances. However, the dBi ratings of its antenna are mentioned on the back of the router. Pranav Rajpara, a US-based network consultant, says that a router with 2-4dBi range is sufficient for a small to medium sized apartment. However, if you have electronic devices like fridge, microwave oven in your house, then you will have to get a router with a higher range. Walls also play an important role in blocking Wi-Fi signals. Whether the wall is made of concrete or wood, according to a study, the signal strength becomes weaker after 3 to 4 walls. Therefore, before buying a router, definitely pay attention to its dBi property.
Well, if the internet provider is providing you a router for free, then there is nothing better than this, but if you are repeatedly facing the problem of network and range, then you should think about buying a router yourself. Keep in mind the things written above and buy a router as per your need.
For a simple Internet connection, a router with 150Mbps or 300Mbps is suitable. For this you will have to spend in the range above Rs 800. However, trust Netgear, Asus, D-Hyperlink and Cisco Linksys only. And the only reason for this is that if you get stuck in a problem due to some reason, there is a lot of information available on the internet about the devices of these companies. Well, choose the router that fits your needs and pocket.