Grace Length increased before Pi Community Mainnet Starting

Grace Length increased before Pi Community Mainnet Starting

The Pi Community has recently announced an increase in its Grace Length, giving users another chance to secure their Pi Coins. Earlier it was decided that Grace Length would end on December 31, 2024, but now Pi Community Has extended it till January 31, 2025. This move is an important decision for Pi Community’s growth and community, which is part of a major change as per their upcoming roadmap.

Purpose and main reason of Grace Length

Grace Length was implemented by Pi Community on July 1, 2024, and was to give users the opportunity to have their Pi Coins go through the KYC (Know Your Buyer) process. Under this process, Pi Community users can transfer their coins to the mainnet only after verifying their identity. Earlier this grace length was fixed till December 31, 2024, but now it has been extended till January 31, 2025.

This decision has been taken by the Pi Community team so that more and more users get time to complete the KYC process and can safely transfer their Pi Coins to the Mainnet. The purpose of this extension is to successfully complete the Pi Community Mainnet launch, allowing users to transfer their digital assets to the new network.

Announcement of Pi Community Mainnet Starting Hour

Pi Community team has also recently made a big announcement regarding the Pi Community Mainnet Starting date. Now it has been decided to launch Pi Community Mainnet in Q1 2025. This means that users need to pi coin Will get some more time to move to Mainnet. The main purpose of this move by Pi Community is that more Pioneers (users) can verify their identity in time and transfer their coins to the Mainnet safely.

Achievements of KYC Pioneers

Pi Community has meanwhile also achieved an important milestone in which more than 18 million KYC Pioneers have been verified. Of these, more than 8 million users have already migrated to Pi Community’s mainnet. This achievement makes it clear that the number of users of Pi Community is continuously increasing and steps are being taken in the right direction to make their plans successful.


Pi Community’s Grace Length expansion is an important step towards mainnet launch. Through this, the Pi Community team wants to ensure that all their users complete the KYC process and their Pi Coins can be transferred to the mainnet safely. This expansion will allow the Pi community to become more inclusive and secure. It is expected that Pi Community Mainnet Launch in 2025 will be successful and it will prove to be a big step in the world of digital assets.


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