Famous person mud unfold within the universe captured through James Webb Telescope see three-D symbol

Famous person mud unfold within the universe captured through James Webb Telescope see three-D symbol

The world’s largest telescope deployed in space – James Webb Range Telescope is capturing our universe every day. NASA’s telescope has now taken more detailed images of interstellar dust and gas, from which scientists have created a 3D structure of interstellar dust and gas. According to the report, the extinction of a star about 350 years ago resulted in this light, gas and dust which has traveled a long distance till now. It is said that after the explosion in the star, very bright X-ray and ultraviolet light was produced. The advanced infrared technology installed in the James Webb Telescope has captured it in detail.

According to reports, layers of interstellar material are visible in the picture. Some of them have an ‘onion’ structure. Scientists say that with the help of telescopes we have been able to see this dense, dusty area and that which could not be seen till date may also look similar.

In the photos taken from James Webb, dense sheets of gas and dust can be seen spread over a very large area. Such a detailed structure has never been seen before. This will give scientists more information about the interstellar system.

What’s James Webb Range Telescope

The James Webb Space Telescope has been built at a cost of about Rs 10 thousand crores. This is a space observatory, which was launched in the year 2021. It started its work in space from July 2022 and till now has collected many new information about our universe.

In the year 2023, James Webb discovered the most remote black hole ever discovered (Dull Hollow). Then NASA had said that this alleged black hole must have been formed 57 crore years after the event of ‘Big Bang’, which is present in a galaxy named CEERS 1019.


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