Did nasa manufacture a mistake by way of preventing sunita williams in length

Did nasa manufacture a mistake by way of preventing sunita williams in length

Sunita williams Starliner: Starliner Spacecraft (ISS) has returned to the earth after more than 3 months of time on the International Space Station (ISS). Boeing’s Spacekraft made the last weekend New Mexico’s white sands missile range. She was a soft landing. NASA and Boeing breathed a sigh of relief after Starlineer came to the earth. By the last time, the agencies were in doubt about what would happen to the mission. Starliner was sent on a 10 -day journey in June. Riding in it, Sunita Williams and Buch went to Wilmore, ISS (International Space Station).

Both astronauts had to stop at ISS due to a malfunction in the spacraft. It is now believed that if both the passengers had returned from the starlineer, they would have been safe. According to reports, Steve Stitch, the manager of NASA Commercial Crew Program, says that Starlineer’s landing was as expected. Spacecraft made landing in the same way as NASA and Boeing designed it.

He said that if there was a crew in the spacecraft, then we would have ignored with the space station as it happened. According to the plan, the dearbit burns and enter the atmosphere of the earth. So we believe that it would have been a safe and successful landing even with the crew.

However, in the last time, NASA and Boeing postponed the return to Sunita Williams and Buch Wilmore. The decision was taken due to technical fault in spacecraft. NASA and Boeing were not confirmed for the return of Starlineer. The slightest disturbances could have threatened the lives of the passengers.

Sunita and Buch will now have to stay in space for a few months. His return will be with NASA’s crew-9 mission, which is to be launched this month. This mission will return to Earth in February or March next year. Despite staying in space for so many days, Sunita and Buch will not be able to become an astronaut living in the space for the most time. This record is named after a Russian astronaut.


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