The feature of mini Web3 games and in-app crypto transactions on Telegram has attracted people’s attention towards cryptocurrencies, but the platform has now become the new den of crypto scammers. Security firm Rip-off Sniffer recently issued a warning that scammers are targeting users through Telegram groups and draining their crypto wallets.
According to Rip-off Sniffer, scammers are creating fake profiles and posing as famous influencers. These fake accounts make users “exclusive” by commenting on original posts Telegram Invite to join groups. After joining these groups, users are asked for identity verification through OfficiaISafeguardBot.
During this process, scammers inject a malicious code called PowerShell into the device’s clipboard. Rip-off Sniffer says that this code can break the security of crypto wallets and cause financial loss to users.
Crypto transaction feature is being misused on Telegram
Telegram recently let users send and receive cryptocurrencies, such as Tether, directly through chats. However, this feature has also become an easy way for scammers to commit fraud by stealing wallet addresses and other personal information.
Due to crypto scam running on Telegram How to protect?
cryptocurrency Experts and Rip-off Sniffer have advised Telegram users to be cautious of strangers initiating financial and investment related conversations.
Identify fake profiles: Do not trust any profile without verifying it.
Don’t run unknown commands: Do not run or download commands from unknown sources.
Avoid suspicious groups: Do not join groups that forcefully demand identity verification.
Use Cold Wallets: It is advisable to adopt cold wallets instead of web-connected wallets.
Telegram But increasing crypto scams have increased the danger for users. Scammers are causing financial loss to people by stealing their personal information through fake profiles and fraudulent groups. Amidst this increasing threat, it is very important for users to remain alert. While doing crypto transactions and online transactions, safety measures like identity verification, protection from unknown commands and use of cold wallets should be adopted. Through vigilance and proper measures, these fraudulent activities can be avoided and the safety of cryptocurrency wallets can be ensured.
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