There are five great presales available to invest in the Cryptocurrency Marketplace. SockCoin, Tengu Inu, Slayer Lion, Merinos and Relax Pnut Presales which will run from December 24, 2024 to January 1, 2025. During these presales, investors can invest in various tokens and step into this field of digital assets. every Crypto Presale The Worth, Token Provide and Fundraising Goal are different, which provides attractive opportunities for investors.
Get profit from the beginning in Crypto Presale
SockCoin Presale
Tengu Inu Presale
Slayer Lion Presale
Merinos Presale
Relax Pnut Presale
SockCoin Presale
SockCoin Presale has started from December 24, 2024, which will run till January 1, 2025. The general token supply in this presale is 51,000,000,000, of which 510,000,000 tokens are available for presale. The Fundraising Goal of this Presale is $128 and the Price of $SOCK Presale is set at 0.00000025 USDT. This could be an attractive opportunity for investors. You can take advantage of this opportunity to invest in SockCoin. Through this presale, investors can invest in these digital assets.
Tengu Inu Presale
Tengu Inu Presale has started from 6 December 2024, which will run till 1 January 2025. The General Token Provide in this Presale is a million,000, out of which 444,000,000 Tokens will be available for Presale. The presale fundraising goal is $44,400,000. Presale Worth has been fixed at 0.1 Solana. This presale is a great opportunity, especially for investors who want to do crypto funding through Solana. Tengu Inu’s tokens can be used on various platforms.
Slayer Lion Presale
Slayer Lion Presale has started from September 30, 2024, which will run till January 1, 2025. The general token supply in the presale is a million,000, of which 350,000,000 tokens will be available for the presale. This presale provides investors an opportunity to invest in Slayer Lion tokens. More details related to the presale process will be available soon. This presale could be an attractive investment opportunity, as it aims to establish a strong digital ecosystem.
Merinos Presale
Merinos Presale has started from 1st November 2024, which will run till 1st January 2025. The general token supply in this presale is 450,000,000,000, of which 180,000,000,000 tokens are available for presale. The Fundraising Goal of the Presale is 180,000,000 and the Worth of the $MRNS Presale is 0.001 Ethereum. This presale to investors Ethereum Provides an opportunity to invest through. Merinos aims to build a strong presence in the digital currency space. This could be a great opportunity for investors.
Relax Pnut Presale
Relax Pnut Presale has started from 4th December 2024, which will run till 1st January 2025. The General Token Provide in this Presale is a million,000, of which 500,000,000 Tokens are available for Presale. The Fundraising Goal of the Presale is 1,500 and the Presale Worth is fixed at 0.000003 Solana. $CPNUT Presale is a great opportunity for small investors. Through this presale, investors can get the opportunity to invest in cryptocurrency. Relax Pnut aims to start a new initiative through digital platform.
These presales provide great opportunities for crypto investors. Each presale has different tokens and pricing, which may be right for different investors. This opportunity is to establish a strong digital ecosystem and investors are getting a chance to diversify their portfolio. By taking advantage of these presales as soon as possible, you can earn big profits in the future. The experience of investing in Cryptocurrency can be enhanced through these presales.
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