Best time to invest in Crypto Presale

Best time to invest in Crypto Presale

The market of Cryptocurrency Presales is showing new enthusiasm in 2024. Like Pizza Penny, PUG INU, Runwago, MtGoxFUD and SuperWine. Crypto Presale are available, which aim to offer digital solutions in their respective industries. These tokens are ready for presale at a fixed price with a fundraising target.

Crypto Presale, new opportunity for investment

  • Pizza Penny Presale

  • PUG INU Presale

  • Runwago Presale

  • MtGoxFUD Presale

  • SuperWine Presale

Pizza Penny Presale

Pizza Penny Presale has started from 01-12-2024, which will run till 10-01-2025. General Token Provide will be 20,000,000 and out of this, 6,000,000 tokens are available for presale. The fundraising target is $180,000 and the presale worth is 0.03 Ethereum per Token. This token has been specially created to promote digital payment system related to Pizza Business. Through PZPNY, traders and customers can easily transfer payments in Cryptocurrency, making the payment process faster and secure.

PUG INU Presale

PUG INU Presale has started from 11-12-2024, which will run till 11-01-2025. The general token supply in this presale is 20,000,000, out of which 6,000,000 tokens are available for presale. Its fundraising target is $180,000 and the presale worth is kept at 0.03 Ethereum per Token. This Token is designed for the Canine-Based Totally Crypto Crowd, which will offer a new cryptocurrency in the form of PUG INU. Through this people can become a part of the Decentralized Cost Machine.

Runwago Presale

Runwago Presale has started from 04-12-2024, which will run till 10-01-2025. The General Token Provide in this Presale is 100,000,000 and 14,000,000 Tokens will be available for Presale. The fundraising target is set at $700,000 and the presale worth is 0.05 USDT per Token. Runwago aims to support the gaming and fitness community. This Token will be used as a medium for payment transfer, prizes and fitness activities between players and fitness enthusiasts, making it a special and impressive Token.

MtGoxFUD Presale

MtGoxFUD Presale has started from 09-12-2024, which will run till 09-01-2025. The General Token Provide will be 21,000,000,000 and 2,050,000,000 Tokens will be available for Presale. The fundraising target is set at $4,100,000 and the presale worth is 0.002 USDT per Token. MtGoxFUD Token aims to provide Mt. Gox crashes and the issues related to its affected community. This Token Bitcoin Keeping in mind the history of that incident, it tries to provide solution and support. The purpose of this presale is to create a strong community.

SuperWine Presale

SuperWine Presale has started from 11-12-2024, which will run till 11-01-2025. In this, General Token Provide will be one million,000 and 100,000,000 Tokens are available for Presale. The fundraising target is set at $500,000 and the presale worth is 0.005 USDT per Token. SuperWine Token tries to connect the wine business with blockchain solutions. It aims to increase transparency between Wine Manufacturers, Dealers and Customers and make transactions more secure and faster.


Presale Token promises to provide better digital payments and services to various industries in 2024. There is a new opportunity hidden in all these Crypto Presales for investors, as these tokens promise to offer digital solutions in various industries. Pizza Penny, PUG INU, Runwago, MtGoxFUD and SuperWine Presales have set their fundraising targets and their success could open up new opportunities for Crypto Length in the future.


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